综合练习1. Jack described his father, who _______ a brave boy many years ago, as a strong-willed manA. would beB... [查看全文]
ix. “can/may/might/could/must/should/need +完成式”表示对过去情况的推测1. “must + 完成式”意为“一定,肯定,想必,准是”,表... [查看全文]
viii. 情态动词表示推测1. 几乎所有的情态动词都可以用来表示推测,只是各自的语气强弱和所使用的场合不同。2. 情态动词表示推测,其可... [查看全文]
vii. need1. 用作情态动词:1)need后接动词原形。I don't think you need take it too seriously.我认为你没有必要太认真。2)n... [查看全文]
vi. dare1. dare作情态动词:1)dare后接动词原形。How dare you say I am unfair?你怎么敢说我不公平?Dare you jump down fr... [查看全文]
1. will的基本用法:1)构成将来时态,表示未来的动作。It looks as if Jack won't be in time for the train.看上去好像... [查看全文]
iv. shall, should, ought to1. shall的基本用法:构成将来时态,单纯表示将来的动作。I shan't be coming back today.我今... [查看全文]
iii. must, have to, have got to1. must的基本用法:1)表示义务、命令或必要,“必须,应当,务必”。I must go now, or I'l... [查看全文]
ii. may, might1. may的基本用法:1)表示许可,可用于正式场合。You may take the book home.你可以把书本带回家。Candidates ma... [查看全文]
i. can, could1. 基本用法1)表示能力Could you follow her talk?她的报告你能听懂吗?The theatre can seat 2,500 people.这... [查看全文]