somebody shakes when the wind blows somebody's missing a friend, hold on somebody's lacking a hero and they have not a clue when it's a... [查看全文]
You are my life 你就是我的全部 Once all alone 曾经,孤独的 I was lost in a world of strangers 我迷失在一个陌生的世界 No one to trust 没有... [查看全文]
Told me that you're doin' wrong Word out shockin' all alone Cryin' wolf ain't like a man Throwin' rocks to hide your hands You ain't d... [查看全文]
He got kicked in the back 他惨遭背后中伤 He say that he needed that 他认为此举必要 He hot willed in the face 他面庞充满坚定 Keep daring to mot... [查看全文]
There's a ghost down in the hall/大厅里有幽灵 There's a ghoul under the bed/床下面有盗墓者 There's something in the walls/四周的墙壁上似乎有什么... [查看全文]
they Don't Care About Us 他们不在乎我们 skin head dead head everybody gone bad 人面兽心、行尸走肉,所有人都变坏了 situation speculation everybody a... [查看全文]
Speculate to break the one you hate 胡猜乱想摧毁你恨的人 Circulate the lie you confiscate 撒播你凭空编造的谎言 Assassinate and mutilate 奸讦地... [查看全文]
[1st Verse] Lovely Is The Feelin' Now 魅力,是一种感觉 Fever, Temperatures Risin' Now 狂热,兴奋的温度正在上扬 Power (Ah Power) Is The Force The V... [查看全文]
Artist:Judy Collins 茱迪科林斯 Song:My Father My father always promised me That we would live in France We'd go boating on the Seine And I w... [查看全文]
Sailing down behind the sun, 在太阳落下前启航 Waiting for my prince to come. 等待我的王子的到来 Praying for the healing rain 祈求着可以治... [查看全文]