《风月俏佳人》主题曲Pretty Woman 歌词 Pretty woman, walking down the street 漂亮女人,你走在街上 Pretty woman... [查看全文]
《铁血柔情》主题曲Love Me Tender歌词 Love me tender,love me sweet; 温柔地爱我,甜蜜地爱我, Never let me go.... [查看全文]
《狮子王》主题曲Can I Feel The Love Tonight歌词 There's a calm surrender 有一股宁静 to the rush of da... [查看全文]
《红衣女郎》主题曲I Just Call To Say Love You歌词 No new years's day 沒有新年 to celebrate 可慶祝 ... [查看全文]
《阿拉丁》主题曲A Whole New World歌词 I can show you the world 我愿带你去一个新天地 Shining, Shimmering, sp... [查看全文]
《仙乐飘飘》主题曲Do-Re-Mi歌词 Let's start at the very beginning 让我们从头学起 A very good place to st... [查看全文]
《人狼之恋》主题曲When S Child Is Born 歌词 A ray of hope, flickers in the sky 一道光明,闪亮在夜空 A ti... [查看全文]
《保镖》主题曲I Will Always Love You歌词 if I should stay 如果我可以留下 I would only be in your way ... [查看全文]
《迪凡内早餐》主题曲Moon River歌词 Moon river, wider than a mile 月亮河,有一点点宽 I'm crossing you in... [查看全文]
《白夜》主题曲Say You Say Me 歌词 say you, say me 说出你自己,说出我自己 say it for always 应该永远是这... [查看全文]