z(Tune:Did You Ever See a Lassie?Track 24)Did you ever hear a bee buzz,a bee buzz,a bee buzz?你有没有听过蜜蜂嗡嗡... [查看全文]
ee or(Tune:Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star Track 23)See the donkey in its stall.看驴子在畜栏里。"Eeyore!/ee/-/or/!" is its... [查看全文]
ie(Tune:The Farmer in the Dell Track 22)The captain said,"/ie/-/ie/!"船长说:"/ie/-/ie/!"The captain said,"/ie/-/ie/!"船... [查看全文]
oa(Tune:The Muffin Man Track 21)Oh,did you see the billy goat?噢,你看到那头公山羊了吗?/oa/-/oa/-/oa/,/oa/-/oa/-/oa/-/oa... [查看全文]
j(Tune:Jingle Bells Track 20)Jelly and jam,jelly and jam,jiggling on the plate.果冻与果酱,果冻与果酱,在盘子里抖动。Oh,... [查看全文]
ai(Tune:Camptown Races Track 19)My ear hurt.我的耳朵受伤了。I was in pain.我感到痛苦。/ai/?/ai/?/ai/?/ai/?My ear hurt.我... [查看全文]
b(Tune:Camptown Races Track 18)Bring your bat and bring you ball.带上你的球和球拍。/b/!/b/!/b/!/b/!Bring your bat and... [查看全文]
f(Tune:Old MacDonald Track 17)My friends and I went to the beach with my floating fish.我和朋友们带着我的充气鱼一起... [查看全文]
l(Tune:The Farmer in the Dell Track 16)We lick our lollipops.我们在吃棒棒糖。We lick our lollipops,/l/-/l/-/l/-/l/-/l/... [查看全文]
u(Tune:Skip to My Lou Track 15)/u/-/u/ up go umbrellas/u/-/u/ up go umbrellas/u/-/u/ up go umbrellas...举起雨伞...wh... [查看全文]