谁都会忽然对身边的生活感到厌倦.厌倦到想把周围一切都抛弃.可是做不到.很多人听到这首歌会哭.它的歌词里充斥着对生活的厌恶与无奈.可是我们仍旧生活在这里.不管世界是否Mad ... [查看全文]
美国女子乐队“真命天女”(Destiny's Child)的代表作品,S.H.E.《恋人未满》英文原版,选自2001年专辑《幸存者》(Survivor)。三个女孩,两度格莱美最佳蓝调乐队,... [查看全文]
这支来自伦敦的流行组合由7位年龄在17-23岁的少男少女组成,他们似一道闪电骤然划亮英伦的乐空,首支单曲《BringItOnBackToYou》即冲上英国细碟榜的冠军,成为一颗新星。 D... [查看全文]
英文歌词: Something ugly this way comes Through my fingers sliding inside All these blessings all these burns I'm godless underneath your cover S... [查看全文]
You don`t care for me, (你不关心我) you don`t carry where I have been, (不在乎我去何处) I`ve done all I could, (我已竭尽所能) so ... [查看全文]
当年红遍大江南北的连续剧《包青天》片尾曲《新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦》歌词取自李白的诗句,无论读着还是唱着,骨子里透着那份雅。英文版的翻唱把它变成了唱给一个人的情歌,从意境到取... [查看全文]
美国爱情片《k歌情人》主题曲,way back into love,梁静茹品冠翻唱,重坠爱河,听而不厌。 I've been living with a shadow overhead I've been sleeping with... [查看全文]
歌词: My love has gone away, Quietly after a hundred days. This is what's she has always said she won't stay, For more than what she ... [查看全文]
Send someone to love me I need to rest in arms Keep me safe from harm In pouring rain Give me endless summer Lord I fear the cold ... [查看全文]
M2M是由两个来自挪威的小女孩玛莉特(Marit)及玛莉安(Marion)所组成的团体,由于两人名字都是M开头,所以定名为M2M。这首她们演唱的《你走的那一天》(the ... [查看全文]