1.microbe/bacteria/germ 细菌 2.health and well-being 健康 3.improper or unhealthy diet 不健康的饮食 4.artific... [查看全文]
penal illicit unruly illegitimate default violate violation infringe bound compulsory oblige ... [查看全文]
zoology 动物学 Darwinism 达尔文学说 natural selection 自然选择 class 纲 order 目 family 科 genus 属... [查看全文]
confidential clandestine cipher dissimulate disarm disarming scout fort fortress hatchet dagger... [查看全文]
vein pit borehole pit quartz marble gem fieldstone emerald weskit granite lead limestone ... [查看全文]
Junior(三年级生):高中、学院或大学的三年级学生。 Leave of Absence(准假):准许学习成绩优良的学生请假一段时间,然后继续学业... [查看全文]
conservation 保护,保存 acid 酸,酸的carbon 碳 petroleum 石油ozone 臭氧 ooze 渗出,渗出物radiation 辐射 greenhouse 温... [查看全文]
托福听力场景词汇:指路方向on the left/right 在左/右边turn(to the)left/right 向左/右转around(the corner )to the left/right... [查看全文]