Key 关键的importantConverted修改 changedAntecedent 先行的的,先辈predecessorAppealing吸引人的 attractiveLocal 场所placeBooste... [查看全文]
Intent 目的,意向 goalAdministered 管理 managedPeriphery 外围 outer edgeInception 起初beginningFabricating 构成,虚构cons... [查看全文]
Skepticism 怀疑主义 doubtSubsidy 资助 financingConjectural 猜测的 based on guessingEmploying 采用 usingAssortment 种类... [查看全文]
Dictates 决定 determinesWitnessed 看到 observedA break with 分开 a departure fromConserve 维持,保留 retainMagnified ... [查看全文]
Faded from 消失于:disappeared fromNovel 创新的,新颖的:innovativeStationary 固定的:fixedVessel 船只:craftSmothering 窒... [查看全文]
以下是托福考试(Test of English as Foreign Language) 排名前Top 100Words,大家来看看这一百个单词中自认认识多少个吧~abyss hol... [查看全文]
temperament n 气质,性情(disposition,nature)temporal adj 一时的,暂时的(transient,momentary)tact n 老练,机智(diplomacy,th... [查看全文]
radius n 半径radiant adj 绚丽的,容光焕发的rashly adj 鲁莽的rapture n 狂喜ransom n 赎金,赔偿金(payment,redemption)rall... [查看全文]
oasis n (沙漠中的)绿洲obedience n 服从,顺从(deference,submission)objective n 目标,adj 客观的(aim,goal)obligatory adj ... [查看全文]
mammals n 哺乳动物(mamma,乳)mandate n 命令,要求(command)mandatory adj 命令的,强制的(obligatory,compulsory)maneuver vt ... [查看全文]