1. two thumbs up 举双手赞成 2. be the apple of one's eye = be very precious to sb. 非常珍贵 3. pul... [查看全文]
运动词汇: aerobics 有氧操,body-building 健美,jogging 慢跑,judo 柔道,wresting 摔跤,ball games 球类运动,footbal... [查看全文]
All his friends did not turn up 他的朋友没全到(不是他的朋友全没到) American beauty 一种玫瑰,名叫美丽动人(不是美国... [查看全文]
躯干trunk; 骨架skeleton; 脊骨spine; 颈neck; 肩shoulder; 喉咙throat; 胸部chest; 乳房breast; 乳头nipple;... [查看全文]
考点 题目,地点,调查对象的范围及人数,调查方式,问卷调查的题型及回收率,结论,失误, 题目 经常换题目。survey调查, ... [查看全文]
离职原因: for more specialized work 为更专门的工作 for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途 for higher resp... [查看全文]
Webtoons, also known as webcomics, are Internet-based comic strips available through cellphones. The genre is a... [查看全文]
在托福听力中,从语音入手猜词时大家首先要注意,不要一碰到听不懂的地方就去看书中的听写记录或问别人,否则来得容易走得也快(即所谓E... [查看全文]
tragedy 悲剧 one-act play 独幕剧 opera 歌剧 farce 滑稽戏, 趣剧 (stage) play 话剧 Beijing opera 京剧... [查看全文]