托福是去美国留学必过的一个门槛。考察的是学生语言层面上的能力。作为语言关卡,它没有那些让人为之疯狂的逻辑,没有与课堂链接紧密的... [查看全文]
Art gallery艺廊参考例句:I'll bring some of my pictures into the gallery 我就带一些我的摄影到艺廊来Calligraphy书法参... [查看全文]
have (sth.) to spare 有多余的...例句:Those that make the best use of their time have none to spare.充分利用时间的... [查看全文]
a myriad of 大量的,无数的例句:A myriad of lights twinkled like stars in the distance.远处有无数盏灯像星星一样闪烁。a... [查看全文]
1.形容许多,大量,富于的词a (great/wide) range of 广泛的;许多的例句1:For consumers, there are a great range of products... [查看全文]
3.表达现在,迄今的词as yet 迄今为止例句:How this might pertain to choices that people might make is, as yet, unclea... [查看全文]
2.表达以前,刚才的词a while back 不久以前,刚才例句:A while back I read an interesting story in a parenting magazine.... [查看全文]
1.表达突然,突发的词a fit of 突发一阵,阵发例句:That night, on his way back from school, Phatik had a bad headache ... [查看全文]
3.表达习惯的词(be/become/get) accustomed to 习惯于例句1:So, you've got to be accustomed to their environment.因此... [查看全文]
2.表达恨;厌恶的词abhorrent to 厌恶例句:However, this means that all state acts may be implemented, even where these... [查看全文]