tiramisu提拉米苏; pizza比萨饼; cappuccino卡布其诺咖啡; espresso浓咖啡; pistachio开心果; pepperoni辣香肠; bro... [查看全文]
排球volleyball; 主攻手spiker; 拦网队员blocker ;二传手passer; 裁判员referee; 发球serve; 跳发球jump serve; ... [查看全文]
曙光light of dawn; 朝霞rosy dawn; 晚霞evening glow; 暮色twilight; 微光glimmer; 眩光/强光flare/glare/glow; ... [查看全文]
定制服装tailor-made clothes; 宽松loose-fitting; 紧身tight-fitting; 熨衣服iron the clothes; 收拾衣服pack up cl... [查看全文]
fiesta宗教节日; guerrilla游击队员; hurricane飓风; tornado龙卷风; llama秘鲁羊驼; puma美洲狮; matador斗牛士; ... [查看全文]
Mandarin普通话; Zen禅; feng shui风水; yin yang阴阳; tai chi太极; Taoism道; kongfu功夫; kowtow叩头; ... [查看全文]
solar system太阳系; Mercury水星; Venus金星; Earth地球; Mars火星; Jupiter木星; Saturn土星; Uranus天王星;... [查看全文]
扣篮dunk; 投篮命中率shooting average; 两双double-double; 三双triple-double; 篮板球rebound; 前场篮板offensive ... [查看全文]
雅思词汇:与阳光相关 明媚的阳光bright sunshine; 蒙蒙的阳光hazy sunshine; 温暖的阳光the genial sunshine; 充足的... [查看全文]
National College Entrance Exams 高考 senior classes/graduating class 毕业班 practice tests 模拟考试 arts/soc... [查看全文]