snowfall 降雪 snowflakes 雪花 powder snow粉末雪 granular snow粒状雪 snowdrifts被风刮在一起的雪堆 melt wate... [查看全文]
year-end(annual)bonus年终奖金; perfect attendance bonus全勤奖; performance bonus绩效奖金; allowance津贴; commis... [查看全文]
1. plain chocolate 纯巧克力; 2. milk chocolate 牛奶巧克力; 3. white chocolate 白巧克力; 4. dark chocolate... [查看全文]
bicycle自行车; tire轮胎; stem竖管; tire pump打气筒; fender挡泥板; brake lever刹车握把; rim轮圈; brake ... [查看全文]
初恋:first love 早恋:puppy love 黄昏恋:twilight romance 姐弟恋:romance with younger man 三角恋:love triangl... [查看全文]
gentle 温和; frank 坦率; diligent 勤奋; friendly 友善; enthusiastic/warmhearted 热心; brave 勇敢; smar... [查看全文]
vermilion 朱红色; fuchsia 紫红色; pink 粉红色; cerise 樱桃红; peach 桃红色; garnet 石榴红,深红色; car... [查看全文]
①at times 有时,时常 ②at once 马上 ③at the moment 此刻 ④glare at 怒视 ⑤throw at 投向 ⑥laugh a... [查看全文]
1.great 2.wonderful 3.amazing 4.awesome 5.fabulous 6.remarkable 7.fantastic 8.marvelous 9.terrific ... [查看全文]
期刊:periodical 杂志:journal/magazine 最新一期:latest issue 过刊:back number 内部刊物:restricted publication ... [查看全文]