每日雅思词汇:常见树木的名称 Trees 树木 ; pine 松; cedar 雪松; birch 白桦; maple 枫树; bamboo 竹; ... [查看全文]
每日雅思词汇:扑克牌词汇 Poker/playing card 扑克牌, Ace 尖儿, Big joker 大王, Little joker 小王, Club ... [查看全文]
雅思的词汇:生活常用小电器 air conditioner 空调, cassette player 卡式录音机, dry cell 干电池 dictaphone, ... [查看全文]
volume well-stocked bank of resources have/keep……books 动作: check out how long can I hang on to ... [查看全文]
House Flat (AmE apartment)单元房 I am living in a flat right now. Block of flats ( AmE apartment block... [查看全文]
1. Loose 和 lose 错:I always loose the product key。 对:I always lose the product key。 2. It's ... [查看全文]
机场费 airport fee 国际机场 international airport 国内机场 domestic airport 机场候机楼 airport... [查看全文]
SUFFIX 1.-aholic:┅┅对上瘾的人;┅┅狂。(-oholic) 2.-eer:┅┅专家,从事┅┅职业的人 3. -esque:风格,式样。 4. -e... [查看全文]
PREFIX 1.a-:of;on;intensive;negative,not,without;ad-;ab-. 2.ab-:away from,off. 3. ad-:to;at;for. 4. aer(o)- :r... [查看全文]
Latte art, also sometimes described as cappuccino art, is a pattern or miniature sculpture produced within the... [查看全文]