排球volleyball; 主攻手spiker; 拦网队员blocker ;二传手passer; 裁判员referee; 发球serve; 跳发球jump serve; ... [查看全文]
journalism[新闻业/新闻报道]; coverage[新闻报导] -eg: Journalists might also add a prejudice or bias to their ... [查看全文]
permanent[永久性的]/lasting/durable/constant - eg: He's been temping for over a year now and wants a perma... [查看全文]
niche[合适的职业] -eg: find one's own niche[找到自己合适的定位]/He's already found the right niche in hi... [查看全文]
trade-off[权衡/折中] -eg: I faced a trade off between taking a part-time job and having a vacation.; pursu... [查看全文]
loyalty[忠心/诚] -eg: Interviewers would question applicant's corporate loyalty if he or she changes job t... [查看全文]
奥斯卡金像奖the Oscars/Academy Awards; 享誉世界achieve worldwide acclaim; 名流好莱坞红毯走秀celebrities parade alo... [查看全文]
职业规划师career development facilitator; 金融分析师financial analyst; 理财顾问financial consultant; 健身教练fitn... [查看全文]
朝鲜North Korea; 核试验nuclear test; 核弹头nuclear warhead; 平壤Pyongyang; 行动过火overact; 严重挑衅serious... [查看全文]
meteor shower陨石雨; meteorite陨石,流星; meteor strike陨石撞击; crater陨石坑; vapour trail 蒸汽尾迹; shock... [查看全文]