Accelerate 促进剂 Accelerator硬化剂,接触剂 Acetic acid 醋酸 Acetone 丙酮 Achromatic color 无彩色 Acid s... [查看全文]
Abele银白杨 Abnormal wood 异常(木)材 Acoustic acid board 吸音纤维板 Acoustical board 吸(隔)音板 Adjustable... [查看全文]
混合双打 mixd-double 男单men's singles 男双men'sdoubles 女单women's singles 女双women'sdoubles... [查看全文]
排球运动 volleyball 沙滩排球 beach volleyball 排球运动员 volleyball player 攻击手 attacker 主攻手 spiker ... [查看全文]
乒乓球运动 table tennis 团体赛 team event 单打 singles 双打 doubles 混合双打 mixed-doubles 乒乓球运动员... [查看全文]
投篮命中率 shooting average 两双 double-double 三双 triple-double 篮板球 rebound 前场篮板 offensive rebound... [查看全文]
篮球运动 basketball 美国篮球联赛 NBA 常规赛 regular season 季后赛 playoffs 梦之队 Dream Team 最有价值球... [查看全文]
beside / besides beside: preposition meaning 'next to', 'at the side of' biside:介词,表示在... [查看全文]
female / feminine female: the sex of a woman or animal female:女人或者动物的性别,女性、雌性。 Examples: ... [查看全文]
felt / fell felt: past tense and past participle of the verb 'to feel' felt:feel的过去式和过去分词... [查看全文]