止血 astringent adj.止血的,收缩的 n.收缩剂,止血剂 | haemostat n.止血器,止血 ligature n.绑缚之物(尤指系住血管以... [查看全文]
自制,节俭,朴素,禁欲 abstain v.自动戒绝,抑制 | abstemious adj.有节制的,节俭的 | abnegation n.克己,自制 forbeara... [查看全文]
姓,名 cognomen n.姓 | compellation n.姓名,头衔 | incognito adj.n.隐姓埋名的,化名 alias n.化名,别名 | anony... [查看全文]
就职,开始 inaugurate v.举行就职典礼,开创 | induct v.使就职,使入伍 induction n.就职,入伍仪式,归纳 | installati... [查看全文]
mendicant: a beggar mendicant ------ (n.) beggar; (adj.) depending on begging for a living I believe he is... [查看全文]
1) a lover of or dabbler in the arts 2) begginner Dilettante ------ someone with an amateurish and super... [查看全文]
inadvertent: unintentional, characterized by lack of thought or attention 1) not on purpose; unintentional 2... [查看全文]
amorphous: 不定形的; having no definite form; inchoate;shapeless 1) lacking definite form; shapeless; 2) of ... [查看全文]
impugn: 表示怀疑; to criticize or challenge as false or questionable in nature 1) to attack with words; to... [查看全文]
halcyon: 宁静的; calm and peaceful; tranquil; happy 1) idyllically calm and peaceful those were halcyon days... [查看全文]