abandoned "a. 被抛弃的,自弃的,自甘堕落的" abridgement ",删节本" absence "n. 缺乏,没有,缺席" absent "a. 缺席的,... [查看全文]
1) unwilling to be pacified or appeased 2) unable to be calmed down or made peaceful Synonyms: inflexible... [查看全文]
IMPIOUS<>devout impious <> devout The impious eccentric hadn't been to church for years. 【考法1】adj.... [查看全文]
1) moving with great force; done with little thought 2) characterized by undue haste and lack of thought o... [查看全文]
1) thin in form or density; lacking substance, strength, clarity, or a sound basis in reasoning 2) (adj.) ... [查看全文]
1) disrespectful and shameless impudent <> obeisant impudent : brazen impudent : brazenness impudent : ... [查看全文]
(n.) a slight fault or offense Peccadillo ----- minor sin or offense peccadillo---a small sin or fault ... [查看全文]
【考法1】adj. 无生育能力的: unable to produce fruit or offspring 【例】Most mules are impotent. 绝大多数的骡子... [查看全文]
1) n. 新手: a person who is just starting out in a field of activity 2) young and inexperienced Synony... [查看全文]
1) an undesirable; one despised and rejected by others; an outcast; 2) a member of the lowest social caste... [查看全文]