许多GRE考生由于时间少学业工作繁忙,没有充足的时间用于GRE复习,特别是背单词的工作无法顺利开展,到了考试前才想起要背单词。如何才... [查看全文]
Crest 每个人都知道佳洁士品牌,但不是所有人都留意到佳洁士的英文名就是Crest。Crest可以做名词表示山顶,也可以做动词表示到达顶... [查看全文]
GRE词汇精选:高频形近词(14)131. faction / fiction / factitious / fictitiousfaction: A faction is an organized group ... [查看全文]
GRE词汇精选:高频形近词(13)121. substantiate / substantial / substancesubstantiate: To substantiate a statement or a s... [查看全文]
GRE词汇精选:高频形近词(12)111. causal / causticcaustic: A caustic remark is extremely critical, cruel, or bitter. (F... [查看全文]
GRE词汇精选:高频形近词(11)101. dismiss / remissremiss: If someone is remiss, they are careless about doing things w... [查看全文]
GRE词汇精选:高频形近词(10)91. employ / deploy / ploydeploy: To deploy troops or military resources means to organiz... [查看全文]
GRE词汇精选:高频形近词(9)81. sage / sagasage: Sage means wise and knowledgeable, especially as the result of a lot... [查看全文]
GRE词汇精选:高频形近词(8)71. curb / curtcurt: If you describe someone as curt, you mean that they speak or reply... [查看全文]
GRE词汇精选:高频形近词(7)61. vanish / varnishvarnish: The varnish on an object is the hard, clear, shiny surface t... [查看全文]