1.abbr. describing something that can be left out isn't required (a) I.P.O. (b) PIN (c) etc. (d) ... [查看全文]
1.abbr. pound; unit of weight in ancient Rome equaling approximately 12 ounces (a) attn. (b) lb (c) pd.... [查看全文]
1.v. to recover (a) accompany (b) get over (c) envision (d) evict 2.v. to go on a journey; to mov... [查看全文]
1.v. to plan; to scheme; to send; to dispatch; to throw (a) project (b) host (c) suspend (d) oversee... [查看全文]
1. a picky eater 吃饭挑剔之人 2. apple of one’s eye 珍爱之人(或物),宝贝 3. the cold shoulder 对某人... [查看全文]
1 acrophobia 恐高症 Acro-高;phobia-恐惧 2 affiliate 支部;分会;子公司 3 aperitif 饭前酒 Aperient 泻药 4 appe... [查看全文]
illustrate / 5ilEstreit / vt.1.说明,阐明 2.给…作插图说明 lust,luc来自拉丁文lustris, lucidus=bright。 luster / 5lQstE / n.1.光辉, 光泽 2.容光,光彩... [查看全文]
computer / kEm5pju:tE / n.计算机,电脑 pute来自拉丁文putare=to reckon。 compute / kEm5pju:t / v.计算,估计 depute / di5pju:t / v.向(某人)授权,把... [查看全文]
rat来自拉丁文ratio =to compute, reason。 ratio / 5reiFiEu / n.比,比率 ration / 5rAFEn,5reiFEn / n.1.配给量,定量 2.[常pl.]给养,口粮 vt.配给供应,定量... [查看全文]
expect/ iks5pekt / vt.1.预料,预计…可能发生 2.等待,期待,盼望 3.要求,认为…必要 spec,spect,spi,spic,spise来自拉丁文specere(=to look,see)及 其过去分词spect... [查看全文]