TOEIC Vocabulary-Technology & Equipment 1.advance 前进;进展 2.capacity 容量;才能;能力 3.component 构成要素;成分... [查看全文]
TOEIC Vocabulary-Finance & Investment 1.account 帐目;帐单;帐户 2.balance 余额;差额 债券 4.chamber ... [查看全文]
TOEIC Vocabulary-Computer 1.access 进入;接近;使用;取得 2.automatically 无意识的;不自觉的;自动的 3.cable 缆线;电缆... [查看全文]
TOEIC Vocabulary-Business Meeting & Negotiation 1.adjourn 暂时;休会;延期 2.agreement 同意;协定 3.amendment 修... [查看全文]
TOEIC Vocabulary-Business Trip 1.accommodation 适应;住所;膳宿 2.boarding pass 登机牌 3.brochure 小册子 4.che... [查看全文]
TOEIC Vocabulary-Ads for Job occupation 职位 vacancy 空位 business office 办公室 pay 待遇 leave 休假 ... [查看全文]
100下列助动词后接原形V或have pp.意思不同:should V现在应该(should = ought to)should have pp.过去应该做而未做的事He should... [查看全文]
91.当形容词用的现在分词Ving有主动、正在、令人…...的意思。当形容词用的过去分词pp.有被动、已经、感到……的意思。*我不会照顾正在哭的... [查看全文]
= It is useless + to Vuse= There is nogoodin + Vingpointuse= What is thegoodof + Ving?point81.......没有用;........ [查看全文]
71.当「介系词」的to:以下的to都是介系词(后面要接n.或Ving)反对:object to + Ving = be opposed to + Ving习惯于:be used t... [查看全文]