Henan Pavilion Theme: Heart of the Nation, Origin of Urban Civilization Pavilion Week: July 13-17 Pavilion Features The pavilion enumerates H... [查看全文]
Shandong Pavilion Theme: A Lush, Green Garden Pavilion Week: July 8-12 Pavilion Features The pavilion forms the cultural conception of "stretc... [查看全文]
China Pavilion considers new rules The organizer of China Pavilion is considering some new admission measures including allowing people to queue... [查看全文]
目前,中国馆对参观者的组织方式以发放预约券为主,持预约券参观者约占总人数七成左右。每天开园时,370名工作人员会在13个出入口发放预约券,平均每人发放近80张。按目前的安... [查看全文]
本次世博会中国馆中展出了许多国家级珍品文物,都是由各地博物馆借出的,有些还是博物馆的镇馆之宝。中国馆副馆长近日透露,即将展出比《清明上河图》级别更高的国宝。 “镇馆... [查看全文]
Jiangxi Pavilion Theme: Jiangxi: EcoProvince Pavilion Week: July 3-7 Pavilion Features The pavilion, resembling a huge blue and white porcelain... [查看全文]
Early human fossil "Lucy" showcased during Expo The early human skeleton reconstruction "Lucy" debuts in Expo site. "Lucy" dates back to 3... [查看全文]
Fujian Pavilion Theme: Charming Fujian Province on the West Bank of the Strait Pavilion Week: June 28-July 2 Pavilion Features The boat-shaped... [查看全文]
Xiao Luo: Look at the square building.It’s France Pavilion.Let’s go inside. 小罗:瞧那个正方形的建筑,是法国馆。走,进去看看。 ... [查看全文]
Anhui Pavilion Theme: The core culture of Anhui Pavilion Week: June 23 to 27 Pavilion Features Visitors to Anhui Province's World Expo 2010 e... [查看全文]