请求信Dear______ ,My name is______, and I am______. I have made up my mind to write to you in the hope that ... [查看全文]
辞职信Dear——,I am sure it will come as no surprise that I wish to resign my position as—— ——. Though I h... [查看全文]
The Social Security Retirement Program is made upof two trust funds, the larger of which could gopenniless by... [查看全文]
英语考研作文是考研第二重点,仅次于阅读。怎么复习好这部分,也是需要我们提前做好复习计划,肯定不能光靠考前突袭,还要我们平时复习就要... [查看全文]
据调查,考研英语作文普遍得分不高,这与考生对英语作文重视不足、复习不够有很大的关系,很多考生认为英语作文只需要背背模板或者最后突击... [查看全文]
一、汉化英语 由于文化、传统和习惯的不同以及语言本身的差异,考生最难避免的问题是汉化英语(Chinglish),考生平时要多读,多背,... [查看全文]
一篇作文写得好,必须要通顺连贯,逻辑分明,这是最基本的。而要做好这点,衔接词可是大功臣,用的好甚至可以锦上添花,拿高分,拯救你于作... [查看全文]
Dear Sir or Madam,尊敬的先生或女士:I bought an electronic dictionary from your online storeon January 1st,but I fo... [查看全文]
Dear Michael,As one of your closet friend,迈克尔:作为你最好的一位朋友,I am writing the letter in purpose of recomm... [查看全文]
51. come to v.达到,继承,复苏,停止,想起,共计 52. client n.[计]顾客,客户,委托人 53. blame n.过失,责备vt.责... [查看全文]