089环境保护类 低碳生活 089 As is shown in the drawing above, a few leaves are growing inside... [查看全文]
088环境保护类 城市化 088 The cartoon above shows a man ill in hospital with his sickness app... [查看全文]
087环境保护类 经济发展与环境保护 087 As is depicted in the cartoon, there are trees, flowers a... [查看全文]
086环境保护类 能源危机 086 Currently, the price of crude oil reaches a new high and demand f... [查看全文]
085社会热点类 公务员热 085 The increasing pressure of hunting for jobs has brought a great nu... [查看全文]
084社会热点类 跳槽 084 In the cartoon above, a young man in a wet swim ring is leaving a ... [查看全文]
086环境保护类 能源危机 086 Currently, the price of crude oil reaches a new high and demand f... [查看全文]
085社会热点类 公务员热 085 The increasing pressure of hunting for jobs has brought a great nu... [查看全文]
084社会热点类 跳槽 084 In the cartoon above, a young man in a wet swim ring is leaving a ... [查看全文]
083社会热点类 名人隐私 083 As is depicted in the cartoon, a large number of people are stret... [查看全文]