四级作文题目: Health Gains in DevelopingCountriesIt can be seen from the charts that there havebeen dramatic chang... [查看全文]
四级作文题目:How to Solve the HousingProblem in Big CitiesThe shortage of housing in big cities is one ofthe mos... [查看全文]
四级作文题目:How to Solve the Problem ofHeavy TrafficNowadays, China's cities are getting increasinglycrowded. Th... [查看全文]
四级作文题目:A Letter to the UniversityPresident about the Canteen Service on CampusJanuary 12th, 2002Dear Mr. Pres... [查看全文]
四级作文题目: A Letter to the Editor of aNewspaperJune 20th, 2004Dear Mr. / Miss Editor,I am a student from Tsi... [查看全文]
四级作文题目:Your Help NeededDear friends,I am writing to you, on behalf of the StudentUnion, to ask for your he... [查看全文]
表示论证的常用句子格式1:From my point of view, it is more reasonableto support the first opinion rather than the ... [查看全文]
2014年6月英语四六级作文如何写?四级作文模板如何运用?下面为考生提供四六级写作分类范文,希望能够帮助大家在最后阶段备考四级写作。四级... [查看全文]
一、引出开头的常用句子格式1:It is well-known to us that……(我们都知道……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned, …(... [查看全文]
活动海报Under the auspicesof__________,__________will be held___________.T he activity aims to__________.Thearrangements ... [查看全文]