英语范文背诵Electricity The modern age is an age of electricity. People are so used to electric lights, radio, televisions, and telephone... [查看全文]
马上就要进行2010年的大学生四六级英语考试了,即使到考前剩的时间不多,写作也是大有可为的。要做的事情有两件,一个是背,一个是练。背主要是背范文,练也是练模拟... [查看全文]
英语范文背诵The Beginning of Drama There are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece. The one most widely accepted today... [查看全文]
英语范文背诵Television Television-----the most pervasive(弥漫性的,渗透性的) and persuasive(有说服力的,使人信服的) of modern technologies, marked by ... [查看全文]
英语范文背诵Andrew Carnegie Andrew Carnegie, known as the King of Steel, built the steel industry in the United States, and , in the... [查看全文]
英语范文背诵American Revolution The American Revolution was not a revolution in the sense of a radical or toal change .It was not a s... [查看全文]
英语范文背诵Suburbanization If by "suburb" is meant an urban margin that grows more rapidly than its already developed interior, the proc... [查看全文]
英语范文背诵Types of Speech Standard usage includes those words and expressions understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the speak... [查看全文]
从句到段:段落的展开 基本句法掌握之后,接下来就要训练段落写作,这是因为段落是文章的基本组成部分,要写出好文章,必须在段落写作上多下功夫。 段的基本组成... [查看全文]
A Campaign Speech 1.你认为自己具备了什么条件(能力、性格、爱好等)可以胜任学生会主席的工作 2.如果当选,你将为本校同学做些什么 Good evening Ladies ... [查看全文]