自我评价英文版范文 Good people management and communication skills. Team player.有良好的人员管理和交际能力。能在集体... [查看全文]
自我鉴定英文版: my the foreign trade's professional knowledge is firm, can carry on an foreign trade wor... [查看全文]
【预测作文】食品安全【猜题理由】食品安全问题是近两年人们生活最关注的话题之一。从三氯氰胺到禽流感、假羊肉,人们越来越担心食品安全,... [查看全文]
【预测作文】禽流感【猜题理由】目前H7N9禽流感正在中国肆虐,很多人都可能感染。请你结合你校的预防经验,以如何预防它为题,提出至少三个... [查看全文]
【预测作文】中国梦【猜题理由】中国梦是2013年高考英语作文热门话题,这一点几乎毋庸置疑。中国梦可以延伸到梦想、爱国主义等一系列主题,... [查看全文]
写人记叙文【写作分析】写人记叙文,一般为肖像描写、行动描写、语言描写、心理描写以及对细节的描写,应根据要求,灵活掌握,突出重点。【... [查看全文]
I recently surveyed my classmates about their views on the new English textbook.According to the survey, 80% of ... [查看全文]
what I have done today.一天的安排。May 4th , Sunday, Fine.5月4日,星期日,晴。After watching English on Sunday on TV... [查看全文]
An announcement about English speech contest关于英语演讲比赛的通知Annoucement.通知Boys and girls,同学们,Attention please,... [查看全文]