In an attempt to improve highway safety, Prunty County last year lowered its speed limit from 55 to 45 mile... [查看全文]
The following memorandum is from the business manager of Happy Pancake House restaurants: "Recently, butter h... [查看全文]
题目: The chief benefit of the study of history is to break down the illusion that people in one period... [查看全文]
法律短语 Laws are designedchiefly to ( protect public health)… It is a precariouslyshout leap from…to…the... [查看全文]
写作是一个长期积累的过程,而gre写作一直是我们国内考生的一个薄弱环节,2011新gre考试实施以来,让很多更加茫然无措,尤其新gre iss... [查看全文]
1、使用否定的时候,比如:什么什么对个人不好,对社会也不好。为什么不来个倒装?Never/neither/nor/seldom /rarely/on no account... [查看全文]
In surveys, Mason City residents rank water sports (swimming, boating, and fishing) among their favorite recrea... [查看全文]
The following appeared in a memorandum from the manager of WWAC radio station: "To reverse a decline in li... [查看全文]
考生想要写出地道的符合美国人认知的GRE作文并非易事,很多时候文化差异都会体现在文章之中而让作文无法被充分理解。想要避免这个问题... [查看全文]
GRE写作两篇作文均为议论文题材,因此对考生的论证观点有较为明确的要求,而论证偏颇或者跑题都可能成为严重的扣分点。如何才能提炼和... [查看全文]