对刚开始接触GRE考试的新手来说,如何写好ARGUMENT可能是大家面临的一个大问题。虽然议论文相信大家都写过不少,但如何写好英文的驳论... [查看全文]
在GRE写作的评分标准中,考生对于文章中词汇句式和论据素材的运用都会占据不小的评分比重。有些同学虽然在文章结构框架和逻辑论述上具... [查看全文]
GRE写作中ARGUMENT是两种题型中相对更容易得分的题型,不少中国考生拿到4分以上的GRE写作成绩也往往离不开ARGUMENT部分更高的得分。所... [查看全文]
GRE考前准备一些写作模板是很不错的备考方法。虽然有临阵磨枪的嫌疑,但在已经获得优质机经的前提下,临时准备一些针对性更强的模板也... [查看全文]
"Our declining environment may bring the people of the world together as no politician, philosopher, or war ever... [查看全文]
"Both the development of technological tools and the uses to which humanity has put them have created modern civ... [查看全文]
"Both the development of technological tools and the uses to which humanity has put them have created modern civ... [查看全文]
"Both the development of technological tools and the uses to which humanity has put them have created modern civ... [查看全文]
"Both the development of technological tools and the uses to which humanity has put them have created modern civ... [查看全文]
"Both the development of technological tools and the uses to which humanity has put them have created modern civ... [查看全文]