话题:The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in... [查看全文]
话题: The table below shows changes in the numbers of residents cycling to work in different areas of the... [查看全文]
话题: The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Austral... [查看全文]
Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism create... [查看全文]
话题:The table shows the percentages of mobile phone owners using various mobile phone features. 范文 ... [查看全文]
Some people think that examinations have some bad effects on both students and teachers. Some people say they... [查看全文]
话题:The chart below shows information about changes in average house prices in five different cities between... [查看全文]
话题: The charts below show the main reasons for study among students of different groups and the amount ... [查看全文]
话题:The chart below shows the total number of Olympic medals won by twelve different countries. 满分范... [查看全文]
Task1:The charts below compare the age structure of the populations of France and India in 1984. 参考范... [查看全文]