大家现在所看到的这篇小作文选自C6T2,同其他考官范文不同, 这篇文章出自考生之手。具体这篇考生的作文得了几分咱们先卖个关子,假如... [查看全文]
图形描述题的难点之一是难以在短时间内找出该题需要表达的重点,其次缺乏此举,缺少书面表达的语言和亮点。对于题型出现的这些难点,有... [查看全文]
小作文一般都是图表作文,常见的几种主要类型有:表格图,曲线图,柱状图,饼状图和图画题五大类。一般来说,柱图和线图是每月常考的题... [查看全文]
大部分雅思考生都觉得写作是雅思考试中的难点,怎么写都达不到想要的效果,尤其是想要得高分就更难了。那么怎样才能在雅思写作中取得高... [查看全文]
雅思写作是雅思考试中很简单的一部分,说着简单,但是真正做起来却不简单了。就拿雅思作文字数来说,很多同学都会出现少些或者多写的问... [查看全文]
很多雅思考生在备考作文这一部分时都想看一些雅思考试写作范文,特为大家收集整理了雅思写作大作文考官范文:独自学习。认真研读一定的... [查看全文]
Task:Crimes committed by young people are increasing in major cities throughout the world. Discuss the causes and... [查看全文]
Task:Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but others believe it is not th... [查看全文]
Task:Some people say government should give the health care the first priorities , some others believe there are... [查看全文]
Task:Some people think governments should focus on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems to help p... [查看全文]