在雅思大作文中,除了教育、环境、科技以外,政府类也是雅思写作的高频考题。政府类话题是一个比较大的类目,它可以细分为以下几个小的... [查看全文]
第一种误区,经常考生在雅思写作中出现这样一类句子。它不是阐述理由的观点句,在文章中没有任何功能性且无意义,只是对自己将要论述的... [查看全文]
移居外国的人应不应该接受当地的文化(7分作文) Nowadays, more and more people would like to move to other countries... [查看全文]
一 陈述个人见解的常用句式 Pesonally ,I would prefer ... For my part , I wouldchoose to ... As for me ,... [查看全文]
应该说,中英文在议论文的结尾,还是有些微妙的差别的。雅思作文的结尾往往比开头和主题句还要重要,最起码应避免明显中式表达的痕迹,... [查看全文]
请看下题: V119 Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students for every subject. To w... [查看全文]
1.表示原因 1)There are three reasons for this. 2)The reasons for this are as follows. 3)The reason for ... [查看全文]
The exam paper recommends that you spend about 40 minutes on this question and this is about right. Remember... [查看全文]
对于一篇雅思大作文来说,开头部分(introduction)无疑是最为重要的。尽管西彦有云: Don’t judge a book by its cover,但... [查看全文]
Sample Question: Many people consider the death penalty to be an appropriate punishment in certain cases, whil... [查看全文]