雅思写作考试包括两部分内容,分别是大作文和小作文部分,大作文部分对于考生来说主观性会更强一些,往往需要考生表达自己的观点。今天... [查看全文]
如果准备雅思的学生对写作没有很大的信心,他们应该加强雅思写作学习,因为这部分考试很灵活,容易丢分。如何完美地完成雅思写作文章?... [查看全文]
雅思写作考试中,首先要做的就是审题,审题是写好一篇文章的关键,由于审题失误出现的作文低分也是比较常见的,所以我们不能忽视审题这... [查看全文]
在雅思写作考试中清晰的结构和表达逻辑可以帮助我们拿到更高的分数,那么雅思写作如何提高逻辑呢?接下来小编为大家介绍一下方法,希望... [查看全文]
提高雅思写作能力有哪些技巧?雅思写作技巧还需要同学们能够熟练运用的,大家可以参考一下雅思写作范文大全的内容,所以下面小编想要跟... [查看全文]
Some people prefer doing the same things through out their lives and avoid changes. Others believe that change i... [查看全文]
Some people believe that education is the only critical factor to the development of a country.To what extent do... [查看全文]
Some people believe that when choosing a job, the only thing to be considered is the salary it is offering, wh... [查看全文]
Some people believe that people must do activities that develop mind during leisure time such as reading. However... [查看全文]
Some people say taxes should be spent on health care. Other people say that there are more important priorities... [查看全文]