Last week, my teacher told us that she would choose some students to be our class leaders and the students... [查看全文]
骄傲的孔雀 The Arrogant Peacock Today, I go to the zoo with my family. I see many animals. I see the mon... [查看全文]
导语:本篇适合小学生写作的水平,设计词汇比较多,运用一些形容词,大家可以一块来学习一下,重点词汇有两个:blooming. seedlings. ... [查看全文]
导语:本篇作文适合小学生学习,是一些简单的词汇。这里涉及到两个生僻单词:inspires, intelligence。 inspires:v.激励; 启迪;... [查看全文]
范文一:本篇关于my friend 英语作文是小学生所能够掌握的知识内容,运用了一个重点词组:be good at doing sth 擅长于做某事。... [查看全文]
小编导语:今天小编为大家推荐的是二年级的有关假期的英语作文,我们每年都会有寒暑假,假期我们都会做些什么呢? 接下来跟着小编一起来鉴... [查看全文]
小编导语:今天小编为大家推荐的是有关我的生日的英语作文,每个人都有自己的生日,生日的那天是自己最开心的一天,因为会有生日礼物、生日... [查看全文]
十三、询问原因---Why do you like spring? ---Because I can plant trees.---Why do you like summer? --- Because I ca... [查看全文]
1.You're in a deep, dark jungle. You have a matchstick, a wooden stove, and a lantern. What will you light... [查看全文]
九、询问职业、身份或人物。1.----What’s your father ? =What does your father do?----He’s a doctor.2.--What d... [查看全文]