长难句练习: 1.They were fined a total of just over 116 million as part of a leniency deal offered by the watchdog to companies that owned up quickly to anti-competitive behaviour. 2.The National Consumer Council gave warning that the [查看全文]
有一点我要告诉大家,考试只是一种手段,不是根本目的,证明不了什么。没通过下次再来就行!我只是一名普通高校的学生,现在不想再做菜鸟的我有了更新更远的目标,正在备战GRE... [查看全文]
whats your asl? 你的,年龄,性别,地点? (聊天用的) how are you doing (or: how you doiin) 你好。 whats up 什么事? 或是: 你好 lol 大笑... [查看全文]
hold the(your) breath 等等(是让你先闭嘴的意思) pants 裤子 mall 超市 = supermarket an awesome big promise 很大的诺言 thats your problem... [查看全文]
thats a little stronge 有点重了 hell yeah! 可不是!太对啦! I do whatever I like 我干我想干的 zip it 闭嘴 you wanna fight? 想吵架? ... [查看全文]
dont know what you are talking about 不知道你在说什么 dont know what you were saying. 不知道你说了点什么 dont get it 不明白 get ... [查看全文]
每当有人问起我“你英语是怎么学的?”之时,我都会一时语塞,因为说实话,对我而言,学习英语从来就没有什么太多的秘诀。对我来说,学习英语是一个自然而然的过程,... [查看全文]
现在距离六级考试还有一个月的时间,同学们进行全面而且详尽的复习已经不够时间了。对于那些在之前已经进行了长期的六级备战的同学们,我的建议是现在开始进行精确到点的准备... [查看全文]