Bangladesh, which has never qualified for the World Cup, has its people obsessed with the game. The fanatic country is split down the middle... [查看全文]
Germany's top stars have revealed the rituals which they hope will help the national side claim their fourth World Cup title in South Africa... [查看全文]
SOCCER superstar LIONEL MESSI wants CHERYL COLE to support ARGENTINA in the World Cup - as they "know how to treat their women". 足球明星梅... [查看全文]
There is unlikely to be a tweet out of the Spain players at the World Cup after coach Vicente del Bosque banned them from using social n... [查看全文]
日前,日本助威国家队球迷尖叫大赛在东京热烈举行,受到了广大球迷的热烈追捧。他们拼尽全力,用最高分贝的尖叫,来表达对日本国家男足的支持。谁的尖叫分贝最高、谁的尖叫时... [查看全文]
Japan plans high-tech World Cup 2022 bid Japan has devised a high-tech bid for the 2022 World Cup. The country, which co-hosted the footbal... [查看全文]
阿根廷国家足球队主教练马拉多纳25日在接受当地电台采访时说,如果阿根廷队在南非世界杯上获得冠军,他就围着布宜诺斯艾利斯市中心的标志性建筑方尖碑裸奔一圈,以示庆贺。阿... [查看全文]
As you read this I am in Zurich about to undertake the unique privilege of handing England's bid book for the 2018-22 World Cups to the p... [查看全文]
瑞银预测:南非世界杯巴西将夺冠 Brazil was the winner of 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan。 巴西队曾获2002年韩国/日本世界杯足球赛的冠军。 UBS ... [查看全文]
The World Cup's toughest security headache may be a surprise visit by President Barack Obama, South Africa's police chief said Friday, joking... [查看全文]