这是一篇关于空气污染的议论文,节选于The Guardian《卫报》网站一篇题为Without clean air, we have nothing 《没有清洁空气,... [查看全文]
61. A: To get their share of clean air.62. C: Offering preferential treatment to wealthy countries.63. B: Our re... [查看全文]
这是一篇经济类的文章,来自time readers网站2014年2月的一篇文章。 文章提到Janet Yellen即将成为美联储的下一任主席,而她将面... [查看全文]
Passage One56. C) Unemployment.57. D) Pour money into the market through asset buying58. B) Deflation.59. C) Tighten financial regulation.60. A) She possesses strong persuasive power. [查看全文]
46. It is best to use an EMV card for international travel.H. Some big banks, like Wells Fargo……47. Personal ... [查看全文]
46. In theory, free competition is supposed to reduce the margin of profits to the minimum.C) Our current brand... [查看全文]
本篇长篇阅读的主题围绕艺术展开,以世界名画《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》为例,向我们阐述了作品是如何被人们评价为杰作的。 本文难度并不大... [查看全文]
长篇阅读答案46. According to Duncan Watts, the superiority of the "Mona Lisa" to Leonardo's other works resulte... [查看全文]
36. C) controlled37. L) slash38. M) specializing39. K) professionals40. E) forged41. A) accountable42. F) incentives43. B) capacity44. H) overstated45. O) subsequently [查看全文]
36. J) philosophy37. I) mirrors38. B) constrained39. D) explore40. L) sneaking41. K) potential42. O) violent43. F) interacting44. A) assess45. N) undermines [查看全文]