Agree/DisagreeSome people argue as if it is a general truth that a ...But to be frank, I cannot agree with the... [查看全文]
托福写作中,学会用词,也是一门技巧。精准的用词,能够辅助我们更好地提升写作水平。具体的如何做到准确用词呢?本文为大家整理了相关... [查看全文]
看到写作题目,很多同学有会出现不知道怎么写的情况。这种情况,如何能够完成一篇作文内容呢?本文为大家整理了一些小的方法,供大家参... [查看全文]
其实我们总结托福写作的范文,不难发现,这些作文的段落都非常有讲究,如果我们能够在平时,掌握到高分段落的布局技巧,那么提升我们的... [查看全文]
注意:模板是死的,人是活的。文章的开头最好自己写。按照课上所讲的句式,怎么写都可以,只要保证正确,有一定的语法结构(如:从句,... [查看全文]
Rosa Parks 大家都喜欢举Martin Luther King的例子,难道这位refused to betreated as a second-class human being and... [查看全文]
Johnny Appleseed a media-made legend 信息来源是否真实 Johnny Cash "Man in Black" 着装对成功的影响 John... [查看全文]
Clara Barton the "Angel" of mercy: at first, the Red Cross only assisted soldiers; the new clause in the ... [查看全文]
Andrew Carnegie industrialist, philanthropist (我们在第4天学过philanthropy)/passion for reading/ By 1897, he con... [查看全文]