托福写作题目为:In times of an economic crisis, in which area should governments reduce its spending? 1. Arts 2. ... [查看全文]
托福写作题目为:Some people believe that video games could inspire young students' interest and make their study... [查看全文]
托福写作题目为:In a word, studying only limited courses will be supportive for students’ physical and mental... [查看全文]
很多同学在学习托福写作中经常没思路,看见题目就已经蒙了,那么从今天开始北京新东方赵云龙BOMB老师帮你补充补充背景知识好不好,让你... [查看全文]
托福考试作文题目:Some high schools require all students to wear school uniforms. Other high schools permit stud... [查看全文]
1 我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美.No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world... [查看全文]
托福独立写作题目: Do you agree or disagree: the universities should spend more money in improving facilities... [查看全文]
1、针对不同话题思考自己的观点 经过了范文学习的过程,就可以开始针对不同话题的文章思考自己的观点,列出提纲,寻找supporting d... [查看全文]
在托福独立写作的过程中,由于受到鸟笼逻辑的影响,我们往往会很固化的陷入一种惯性思维模式中,很难在短短半个小时内找到思维难度小、... [查看全文]