托福写作资料库之教育篇内容如下:Do you agree or disagree:For successful development of a country, should a government... [查看全文]
一.形容词(名词)+名词reasonable price(合理的价格)moderate/fair price(公平价格)a good price(好价格)attractive price(诱人的价格)... [查看全文]
托福独立写作开头高分模板: Perhaps no issue in this world is as significant to xx(ex:people's success) as ... [查看全文]
本文是托福写作高分需要积累一些精彩的写作模板,下面是整理的托福独立写作模板30句常用句式,希望可以帮助你在托福考试中如鱼得水哦!... [查看全文]
很多考生经历过好几次托福考试,但发现自己的托福写作分数总是提不上去。你们有想过是什么原因吗?其实真正的元凶是语法。现在,大部分... [查看全文]
【原文】When a company needs to hire someone for a managerial position, there is often a choice between promotin... [查看全文]
一、新托福写作文章字数要求根据对ETS最新的评分标准的解读,我们发现阅卷者评判考生的文章遵循的原则是:Readers should focuson what... [查看全文]
1. 逗号用来分隔与句子其他部分密切相连的简短插入语或旁白。(较长的,更为突兀的或复杂的插入成分的则用破折号或圆括号。)Chemical fert... [查看全文]
托福写作题型1. 政府投资People should keep all the money they earn and should not pay taxes to the state. Do you... [查看全文]
托福听力中涉及到很多词组,任何情况下词组是至关重要的,那么这些经常用到的词组,你现在完全了解了吗?注意这些词组不仅仅是出现于听力中... [查看全文]