The speaker is mainly discussing _____, which differs from the main idea in the reading that____. First of... [查看全文]
把握好托福独立写作重要的因素 托福独立作文最重要的因素是什么?当然是论点和论证。一篇好的作文,论点可以提纲挈领,论证可以丰富... [查看全文]
用词不当 学生们写的托福作文里或多或少都会有一些用词不当的问题,但是要注意的是一些最最基本的错误是不能犯的。 拼写错误 ... [查看全文]
我们一度梦见彼此是陌生人,醒来时发现彼此是相亲相爱的。 Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find... [查看全文]
托福写作常用动词: 提供: provide/ supply/ furnish/ give/ render/ accommodate 思考: consider/ speculate/ ponde... [查看全文]
托福写作常见的病句: 1. The artist’s work pushes our civilization to a higher level. 改进:Artists&rsquo... [查看全文]
1.直接引语中,句首字母要大写。例如:Then,I said,You havebeen making a mistake,and the letter is not in the apar... [查看全文]
1.When asked about the ongoing uproar involving U.S. President Bill Clinton , most people say the affair inv... [查看全文]
托福写作计划一、有计划地进行模考: 模拟考试的频率大致控制在每周1到2次,比如可以在周六日的上午进行模考,考试的时间要和实际考... [查看全文]
托福写作标准 托福写作第一个标准是对托福写作内容的评价,即是否把题目中所涉及的所有观点进行了讨论,这并不反对你选择一边倒。托... [查看全文]