托福写作难点话题一览 Is there anything that young people can teach older people? Do you agree or disagree ... [查看全文]
托福独立写作对大家的考察除了词句运用方面以外,还有对文章内容思路的考察,也就是考官能否在文章中看清考生的论述思路推理逻辑。许多... [查看全文]
都说托福写作扣分点很多,殊不知不少扣分其实就发生在大家的眼皮底下,考生可能自己都没意识到问题出在哪里。比如写作中常见的逻辑混乱... [查看全文]
都说托福写作扣分点很多,殊不知不少扣分其实就发生在大家的眼皮底下,考生可能自己都没意识到问题出在哪里。比如写作中常见的逻辑混乱... [查看全文]
托福写作的话题范围很广,有许多题目考生如果没有提前准备好相应的素材往往会不知道如何展开论述。想要避免被不熟悉的话题偷袭,大家就... [查看全文]
托福写作中综合写作的答题形式可能和大家平时接触的作文思路有很大不同,写好综合写作考生不需要自己有多么出色的想法观点,大家更需具... [查看全文]
托福写作中综合写作的答题形式可能和大家平时接触的作文思路有很大不同,写好综合写作考生不需要自己有多么出色的想法观点,大家更需具... [查看全文]
托福写作难点话题一览 Is money the most important aspect of a job? Do you agree or disagree with the follo... [查看全文]
托福写作难点话题一览 Should one judge a person by external appearances? Do you agree or disagree with the ... [查看全文]
托福写作难点话题一览 Should businesses do anything they can to make a profit? Do you agree or disagree wit... [查看全文]