bite [ baIt ] v. (bit, bitten) 咬;叮: badly bitten by mosquitoes 被蚊子叮得很厉害 / She bite into the apple. 她咬了一口苹果。 bitter [ 5bItE ] adj. 1. 有苦味的: Black coffee leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. 不加 [查看全文]
best [ best ] ( good , well 的最高级 ) adj. 最好的: the best time for planting 最佳种植时节 / Hes the best man for the job. 他是最适于做这项工作的人了。 adv. 1. 最好地: Do it as best as you can. 尽你最大的 [查看全文]
短文改错虽然是以行为单位来设置错误的,但语言却不能以行而只能以句子作为意义单位。在平时的学习中,同学们可以多多留意在学习过程中出现的普遍性错误,把它们集中起来,编 [查看全文]
beg [ be^ ] v. 1. 请求,乞求: He begged her to forgive him. 他请求她原谅他。 2. 乞讨: He begged from door to door. 他挨家挨户地乞讨。 begin [ bI5^In ] v. (began, begun) 开始,着手: I began school when I wa [查看全文]
battle[5bAt(E)l] n. [C,U]战斗;战役:be wounded in battle在战役中受伤 / He was killed in the battle. 他在战斗中阵亡。 battleground[5bAt(E)l^raJnd] n. [C,U]战场:a political battleground 政治斗争场所 bay[beI] n. [查看全文]
Around the world more and more people are ___1___ dangerous sports and activities. Of course there have always been people who have ___2___ adventurethose who have climbed the ___3___ mountains, explored unknown parts of the world or ___4__ [查看全文]
baby[5beIbI] n. [C]婴儿;雏鸟;幼兽:a newborn baby 新生婴儿 / a baby elephant 幼象 back[bAk] adv.回(原处);向后:Put the book back to the shelf when youve finished it. 书看完请放回书架上。/ They fought back. [查看全文]
argue[5B:^ju:] vi.1.(就某事)争辩,争论:They argued the matter for hours. 他们就这件事争论了数小时。2.(与人)争吵:He argued with Mary about the best place for a holiday. 他和玛丽争论度假的最好地方。◆ [查看全文]
answer[5B:nsE(r)] n.1.[C]回答,答复:a written (spoken) answer 书面(口头)答复 / I have had no answer to my letter yet. 我至今还未收到回信。2. [C]答案:an answer to a problem 对某问题的解答 / the correct answe [查看全文]
allow[E5laJ] vt.1.允许,准许:No pets are allowed inside. 宠物不准入内。/ We dont allow such things to be done. 我们不容许有这种事情发生。2. 给予;使得到:Youll have to allow three days for that job. 你得给 [查看全文]