input n.输入,投入的资金 v.输入,(PC)导入典型例句:She inputted data into the computer.译文:她将信息输入了电脑。巧记:ill(... [查看全文]
injure v.伤害,损害,损伤典型例句:She was badly injured in an accident.译文:她在一次事故中受了重伤。名师导学:injure, ha... [查看全文]
inhabitant n.居民,住户典型例句:Inhabitants of large cities are tired of traffic jams.译文:大城市的居民很厌烦交通堵塞。... [查看全文]
infect v.传染,感染,使受影响典型例句:One of the boys in the class had a fever and he soon infected other childre... [查看全文]
indoor a.室内的,室内进行的典型例句:There is an indoor pool in this house.译文:这栋房子里有一个室内游泳池。industrial a... [查看全文]
indication n.指示,表示,表明典型例句:Did he give you any indication of his feelings?译文:他向你表示过他的感情吗?巧记:... [查看全文]
incredible a.难以置信的,惊人的典型例句:That's the most incredible coincidence I've ever heard of!译文:那是我听... [查看全文]
improvement n.改进,改善,改进处典型例句:There's been a great improvement in his history and literature this term... [查看全文]
impose v.利用,欺骗 v.把……强加,征(税)典型例句:New duties were imposed on wines and spirits.译文:酒类被加征新税。名师... [查看全文]
implement n.工具,服装 v.贯彻,执行典型例句:The committee's decisions will be implemented immediately.译文:委员会的... [查看全文]