engine n.发动机,引擎;机车 典型例句:This firm will supply engines in exchange for artificial rubber. 译文:这... [查看全文]
ending n.结尾,结局;死亡 典型例句:Children like stories with happy endings. 译文:孩子们喜欢结局美满的故事。 e... [查看全文]
employment n.工业;雇用;使用 典型例句:He left his home to look for employment. 译文:他离家去找工作。 历年真... [查看全文]
emphasis n.强调,重点,重要性 历年真题:In recent years much more emphasis has been put on developing the stud... [查看全文]
embrace v.拥抱;包括,包含;包围 历年真题:The group of technicians are engaged in a study which embraces all as... [查看全文]
elevator <美>电梯;升降机 典型例句:I took the elevator to the 140th floor. 译文:我坐电梯上了第14层楼。 名师... [查看全文]
electrical a.电的,电气科学的 典型例句:The cooker isn’t working because of an electrical fault. 译文:这... [查看全文]
elbow n.肘部 v.用肘挤,挤进 典型例句:He elbowed his way through the crowd. 译文:他用肘推着开路,从人群中挤过去... [查看全文]
efficiency n.效率;功效,效能 历年真题:This adaptation is accomplished by improving efficiency of the heart and... [查看全文]
edition n.版,版本,版次 典型例句:He owns some valuable first editions of well-known authors. 译文:他拥有一些... [查看全文]