News Item 006-乌克兰问题影响该国 58 万儿童The U.N. children’s fund is calling the situation of more than a h... [查看全文]
News Item 005-林肯遇刺 150 周年的纪念活动150 years ago on this wind-swept spot near Lake Michigan in Chicago, the... [查看全文]
News Item 004-德国民众不满政府接收百万移民In German elections Sunday, the anti-immigration Alternative(替代)for Germany ... [查看全文]
News Item 003-阿富汗首都遭遇自杀式炸弹袭击A suicide bomb blast targeting a major police facility in the Afghan capit... [查看全文]
想必不少同学在为英语四级听力头疼,其实四级听力并不可怕,只要掌握了正确的练习方式。听力课堂分享了英语四级听力常考话题词汇:医院和医... [查看全文]
想必不少同学在为英语四级听力头疼,其实四级听力并不可怕,只要掌握了正确的练习方式。听力课堂分享了英语四级听力常考话题词汇:生活交际... [查看全文]
想必不少同学在为英语四级听力头疼,其实四级听力并不可怕,只要掌握了正确的练习方式。听力课堂分享了英语四级听力常考话题词汇:旅行交通... [查看全文]
想必不少同学在为英语四级听力头疼,其实四级听力并不可怕,只要掌握了正确的练习方式。听力课堂分享了英语四级听力常考话题词汇:热点话题... [查看全文]
想必不少同学在为英语四级听力头疼,其实四级听力并不可怕,只要掌握了正确的练习方式。听力课堂分享了英语四级听力常考话题词汇:气候环境... [查看全文]
News Item 002-寨卡病毒 The World Health Organization reports there is growing scientific evidence that the Zika ... [查看全文]