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2018-09-18英语四级阅读关键句:203. Indeed, a 16-year-old driver wi

203. Indeed, a 16-year-old driver with three or more passengers is three times as likely to have a fatal accide... [查看全文]

2018-09-17英语四级阅读关键句:202. It doesn't spell out what kind

202. It doesn't spell out what kind of arms.译文它并没有详细说明是哪种武器。点睛本句的宾语是一个名词性从句what kind of ... [查看全文]

2018-09-16英语四级阅读关键句:201. For the Princess, the trip to t

201. For the Princess, the trip to this war-torn country was an excellent opportunity to use her popularity to ... [查看全文]

2018-09-15英语四级阅读关键句:200. To make matters worse for the g

200. To make matters worse for the government, it soon emerged that the Princess's trip had been approved by... [查看全文]

2018-09-14英语四级阅读关键句:199. Some people, they say, have an

199. Some people, they say, have an idealistic vision of work and what it takes to succeed.译文 他们说,有些人对... [查看全文]

2018-09-13英语四级阅读关键句:198. But if two or three candidates

198.Butiftwoorthreecandidatesareupforapromotion,eachofwhomhasreasonablysimilarability,amanagerisgoingtopromotethepersonheorshelike... [查看全文]

2018-09-12英语四级阅读关键句:197. He wondered: might deaf people

197.Hewondered:mightdeafpeopleactuallyhaveagenuinelanguage?Andcouldthatlanguagebeunlikeanyotheronearth?译文他想知道:耳聋的人有真... [查看全文]

2018-09-11英语四级阅读关键句:196. Some companies now offer etique

196.Somecompaniesnowofferetiquetteseminarsforemployeeswhomaybecompetentprofessionallybutcluelesssocially.译文现在,有些公司为那些... [查看全文]

2018-09-10英语四级阅读关键句:195. Although a strong pound and wea

195.AlthoughastrongpoundandweakmarketsinAsiaplayaroleinthedownsizing,thelayoffsinStokehavetheirrootsinearthshakingsocialshifts.译... [查看全文]

2018-09-09英语四级阅读关键句:194. Their tables will be set with t

194.Theirtableswillbesetwiththegooddishesandsilver,andthedresscodewillbeSunday-best.译文他们的餐桌上会摆上精美的餐具和银器,人们穿... [查看全文]