首先我们来谈谈阅读新题型,这部分题型取代了过去的快速阅读,分值比重为71分,共10个题目,四级的文章加题干长度大约为1200词,而六级... [查看全文]
筑稳基础,重视词汇不常用的含义 英语四六级考查词汇不是像高考一样直接出现词汇或语法的单项选择题,而是把词汇放到阅读理解当中去... [查看全文]
一、养成二次阅读习惯,培养逻辑推理能力 在做英语四级阅读题目时,非常重要的一点就是要提高逻辑推理能力。在平时阅读练习中,第一... [查看全文]
改革后英语六级分数分配 阅读理解: 选词填空:5%,即35.5分,每空3.55分,要做对6个,达到21.3分为及格; 长篇阅读:10%,即71,... [查看全文]
Research into people’s reactions to emergencies aims to make sure there are more survivors in future. ... [查看全文]
Old Race, New Places The drums beat as the dragon boats race . This must be mainland China or Taiwan, ri... [查看全文]
Craze In First Run Of Bulls Bulls and humans alike slipped and slid on the cobblestone streets, but the f... [查看全文]
Culture Shock Culture shock is precipitated1 by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs... [查看全文]
一、事实细节题 识别:题目往往会以wh-疑问词(如what, who, which, when, where, why, how)提问。 常考考点:转折、因果、... [查看全文]
一、篇章主题的提练 通常提练文章主题需要注意以下几点:①关注文章高频出现的词或短语;②关注文章首段及各段的首末句;③关注一些表... [查看全文]