变化:听说题增加 四六级改革后的大学英语四六级试卷将分四大块,听力、阅读、综合、写作,阅卷后只向学生发放成绩单,给每个学生报... [查看全文]
141. Though most dictionary have a system of making words as obsolete, or in use only as slang, many people... [查看全文]
121. He enjoys the liberties hard won over centuries by the alliance of philosophic genius and political hero... [查看全文]
101. Thus in addition to the chances of going away from the right path outlined above, the scientific invest... [查看全文]
1.测意指代题该类题型一般用双引号标出需考生理解部分。标出部分一般有两种内容:一种属于超纲词汇的推理。历史上考过几次。这种题目属于托... [查看全文]
经过对历年六级考试真题的分析,我们不难看出六级阅读理解题大体上可以分为两类:1.直接题,比较简单,往往在理解题干的字面意思之后,... [查看全文]
81. Both novelists use a storytelling method that emphasizes ironic disjunctions between different perspectives ... [查看全文]
Question 1:六级阅读的各个部分时间的分布?怎样安排复习最合理?快速阅读部分解题时间为15分钟,阅读理解部分三篇文章共25分钟,每篇文... [查看全文]
本文分析了英语六级阅读考题的几个难点,列举了六级阅读失分的四大原因。六级考生要结合以上分析,分析出自己的问题出在哪再对症下药。 [查看全文]
61. Of course, it would be as dangerous to overreact to history by concluding that the majority must now be... [查看全文]