The new technological revolution in American newspapers has brought increased _______, a wider range of publica... [查看全文]
29. The director gave me his ________ that he would double my pay if I did my job well. A) warrant B)... [查看全文]
Only in this way, can you learn English well. Only after being asked three times did he come to the meet... [查看全文]
Although he was on a diet, the food __________ him enormously. A) inspired B) tempted C) overcame D)... [查看全文]
Although cats cannot see in complete darkness their eyes are much more __________ to light than are human ey... [查看全文]
Many novels that attempt to mirror the world are really _______ of the reality that they represent. A) ref... [查看全文]
注:1. collaborate (文化艺术方面)合作 in collaboration with 合作 cooperation 合作 2. merge 合并;加强 3. c... [查看全文]
不规则变化的复数名词有以下几种构成法。构成方式举例说明构成法1: 改变内部母音字母。foot→feettooth→teethman→menwoman&... [查看全文]
2014年12月英语六级16大经典时态分析:过去将来完成进行时 1.概念:表示从过去某时看至未来某时以前会一直在进行的动作。 2.基本... [查看全文]
2014年12月英语六级16大经典时态分析:将来完成进行时 1.概念:表示动作从某一时间开始一直延续到将来某一时间。是否继续下去,要视... [查看全文]