6. 平遥古城Pingyao is an ancient city with a history of over 2700 years, located in the middle part of Shanxi ... [查看全文]
5. 龙门石窟Longmen Grottoes are located in the south of Luoyang city. Longmen Grottoes, Yungang Caves and Mogao C... [查看全文]
4. 四合院Courtyard is a historical type of residence. It was commonly found throughout China, most famous in Beij... [查看全文]
3. 颐和园The Summer Palace is situated in the Haidian District, northwest of Beijing City, 15 kilometers from cen... [查看全文]
2. 紫禁城The Forbidden City was first built throughout 14 years during the reign of Emperor Chengzu in the Ming... [查看全文]
1. 城隍庙Many towns in China had their own Cheng-huang gods to protect the towns. Many of Cheng-huang gods were... [查看全文]
18. 碳交易机制China, the world's largest carbon emitter, is to launch its first carbon trading scheme aimed at... [查看全文]
17. 中国十年的航天事业发展About 10 years has passed since China first sent a man into space. Yang Liwei orbited t... [查看全文]
16. 在线网络游戏China International Digital Interactive Entertainment Exposition (ChinaJoy) is famous for its thousand... [查看全文]
15. 奥运会准备工作2008年夏天,中国举办了北京奥运会。从8月份开始,成千上万的顶尖运动员和数以百万计的奥运迷就涌入北京。为了准备奥运... [查看全文]