【教育类】In many countries, school and medical facilities are not available in the rural areas. To improve the s... [查看全文]
教育类:It is better for students to live away from home while studying at university than live at home with pa... [查看全文]
whereas 而这个词经常被native speakers用来在书面的复杂句中引导从句,与主句形成对比The graph indicates that on average men ... [查看全文]
the corresponding figure(某个数字)在另一组数据中所对应的数字While spending increased for equipment and insurance, there ... [查看全文]
in inverse proportion to... 成反比地The amount of money people save increases in inverse proportion to the amount... [查看全文]
be composed of … 由…组成Team A was composed of five staff members.A组是由5名队员组成的。近义:consist of... 由…构... [查看全文]
is only marginally more...than... 与…相比仅是略微更……Thus we can see that the new organization is only marginally... [查看全文]
是某事物的三倍/四倍The number of hospitals in this region is three times as many as that in Laneo.这个地区医院的数... [查看全文]
double (可以作形容词、名词或者动词) 两倍/翻倍The company profits doubled in 1998.这家公司在1998年寿一番。近义:be twice a... [查看全文]
exceed... 超过.The energy available exceeded the energy demand from the late 1960s to the early 1980s.从60年代末到8... [查看全文]